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Donate to the Keystone Diabetic Kids Camp!

Now you can make a donation directly to the Keystone Diabetic Kids Camp through our website. Secure payment is offered through Paypal. Simply click the button below and follow the instructions to make your donation. Note: You don't need a PayPal account to make a donation. Simply click the button below and follow the instructions to pay with your credit card or debit card.


Shaun Johnston Memorial Campership Fund

If you are here to donate in memory of Shaun Johnston towards future camperships, please click the Donate button. Once you enter your donation amount in PayPal and click the button to review your donation, you will be able to click a blue link to "add special instructions" to your donation. Please write "For Shaun Johnston" in this box. Thank You. Please contact us at if you have any questions about your donation to Shaun's fund.



Amazon Smile Campaign

You may also use our brand new Amazon Smile Campaign! Just click the link below and whenever you shop at Amazon, a portion of your purchase will go to the camp!


Buy Something From Our Wishlist

Want to donate a specific item that we need? Check out our Amazon Wishlist and have it sent directly to us! 

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